Terms of Service for mentors
At all times you the Mentor will provide correct and accurate representation of skills, degrees, qualifications, background and other information as prompted in any form on BestTopcareer.com, and will maintain and update all such information during the term of this Agreement (or during the course of your use of the site) to keep it true, accurate, current and complete. You will maintain such skills, qualifications and other information, including maintaining your status in good standing as a licensed professional in any jurisdiction, as may be required by that jurisdiction, where you practice your profession. You shall not perform services or offer advice in any jurisdiction where you are not authorized, licensed or in good standing to do so.
You will not offer or provide advice, directly or through writings, as to the value of securities or as to the advisability of investing in, purchasing or selling securities or any report or analysis concerning securities. You will not misrepresent yourself or create a misleading name or listing.
You consent to the recording of each and every call made in connection with BestTop, which recordings shall be the sole property of BestTop. Mentor further acknowledges that BestTop may sell such recordings to the customer with which such recording was made and, in addition, BestTop may sell such recordings to anyone BestTop, in its sole discretion, wishes to sell such recordings to, and Mentor hereby relinquishes all rights to such recordings.
The aforementioned is an ongoing affirmative obligation for the Mentor to maintain and update on a regular basis.
You the Mentor will be solely and fully liable for all conduct, services, advice, postings and transmissions that are made in your communications through BestTopcareer.com. You represent, warrant and declare that while you are using BestTopcareer.com as Mentor, you will act according to the following rules:
Mentor will be solely responsible for the services provided to Customers and for the verification of Customers' identities and other information delivered to you by Customers
As a platform where Mentor can offer services, BestTop handles solely with any transactions between Mentor and Customers. BestTop does not control the accuracy of any postings on the Site or transmissions through it by Customers. In addition, BestTop cannot and will not make any effort to verify the identity of any of its Customers
Mentor will not mislead Customers to believe that he or she can provide a service which is outside Mentor's fields/industry.
All interactions between Mentor and Customer will be billed through BestTop regardless if the interaction is online or offline. Mentor agrees to abide by the pricing terms agreed upon with Customers while utilizing BestTopcareer.com.
All contact between Mentors, customers and any other users who are introduced through the BestTop platform must be conducted only through the BestTop platform. Exchange of personal contact information is strictly prohibited. Any exchange of contact information or communications outside of the BestTop platform, whether via personal email, phone, in person or any other means, is strictly prohibited and is a violation of this Agreement. In the event BestTop suspects or determines any such unauthorized contact, BestTop reserves the right to withhold payments, levy fines, and/or suspend or terminate service in its sole and absolute discretion.
Mentor will not take any actions which may undermine, disrupt or manipulate the integrity of the feedback (rating)/review system on BestTopcareer.com.
Mentor will not interfere with or disrupt BestTopcareer.com or servers or networks connected to the Site.
Mentor will not transmit through the site any unlawful, harassing, libellous, privacy invading, abusive, threatening, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, racist, harmful or otherwise objectionable material of any kind.
Mentor will not disobey or breach this Terms and Conditions or any other applicable instructions conveyed by BestTop.
Mentor will not violate any applicable local, state, national or international law, statute, ordinance, rule, regulation or ethical code.
Mentor will not participate in BestTop in any manner that is in violation of the rules, regulations or code of conduct.
Mentor will not upload, post, e-mail, transmit or otherwise make available: (a) any information or material that infringes a third party right, especially copyright or other intellectual property rights; (b) any third party advertisements or (c) any information or material which may constitute or encourage conduct that is a criminal offense or civil wrong or otherwise violates any applicable law.
Mentor will not impersonate any person or entity, or make any false statement regarding Mentor's employment, agency or affiliation with any person or entity.
Mentor will not stalk, threaten or harass Customers or other Mentors or invade or attempt to invade their privacy.
Mentor will not disclose any information that was provided to Mentor by a Customer and will use his or her best efforts to guard Customer's privacy
Mentor agrees to comply with all applicable laws regarding use of this Site. Mentor may not use BestTopcareer.com to solicit the performance of any illegal activity or other activity which infringes the rights of BestTop or others. Mentor agrees not to use any device, software or routine to interfere or attempt to interfere with the proper working of the Site or any other person's use of the Site. Mentor may not attempt to gain unauthorized access to any portion or feature of the Site by hacking, password "mining" or other illegitimate method of gaining access to restricted data.
BestTop may review the Mentor's personal profile and amend any typing or spelling errors. BestTop may, in its absolute discretion, remove or refuse to post or transmit in part or full any content uploaded by the Mentor. In such case, BestTop may, but is under no obligation to, notify Mentor of such removal or removal or refusal. Without limiting the foregoing, BestTop may remove any content violating this Agreement. The Mentor will bear all the risks associated with uploading and transmitting material utilizing BestTop.com, including reliance on its accuracy, reliability or legality.
Terms of Service for customers
You warrant and declare that while you are using BestTopcareer.com you will agree to and act according to the following rules:
BestTop is not involved in any transactions between Customer and Mentor. BestTop does not control or verify the quality, relevance or accuracy of the advice, whether the Mentor is qualified to provide the specific advice, whether the Mentor is categorized correctly or in the most appropriate category to provide the advice sought by the Customer, the accuracy of any postings on the Site or any transmissions through it by Customers or Mentors.
Customer will not make arrangements outside of the BestTop platform to have paid relations or any contact with Mentors contacted through BestTopcareer.com without written consent from BestTop or its agents.
Customer agrees that any information or content that he or she posts, transmits or receives through BestTopcareer.com will not be considered confidential. Customer grants BestTopcareer.com an unlimited, irrevocable, royalty-free license to use, reproduce, display, edit, copy, transmit, publicly perform, create derivative works, or communicate to the public any such information and content on a world-wide basis.
Customer consents to BestTopcareer.com collecting and processing any personal information, as per the terms of BestTop’s Privacy Policy.
All interactions between Customer and Mentor will be billed through BestTop regardless of if the interaction is online or offline. Customer agrees to abide by the pricing terms agreed upon with a Mentor while utilizing BestTopcareer.com and to pay BestTop for all services rendered to Customer by Mentors.
Customer will not take any actions that may undermine, disrupt or manipulate the integrity of the Customer feedback (rating)/review system on the Site.
Customer will not interfere with or disrupt the BestTopcareer.com servers or networks connected to the Site.
Customer will not transmit through the site any unlawful, harassing, libellous, privacy invading, abusive, threatening, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, racist, harmful, or otherwise objectionable material of any kind.
Customer will not disobey or breach this Agreement or any other applicable instructions conveyed by BestTop.
Customer will not violate any applicable local, state, national or international law, statute, ordinance, rule, regulation or ethical code.
Customer will not upload, post, e-mail, transmit or otherwise make available: (A) any information or material that infringes upon a third party right, especially intellectual property rights; (B) any third party advertisements, including banner exchange services; (C) any software viruses, Trojan horses, worms or any other malicious application; or (D) any information or material which may constitute or encourage conduct that is a criminal offense, civil wrong or which otherwise violates any applicable law.
BestTop enables the transfer of files between Customers and Mentors. Opening any such files is at the sole risk of the Customer.
Customer will not stalk, threaten or harass Mentors or other Customers or infringe upon or attempt to infringe upon their privacy.